
German Speaking, French Kissing

He´s the rookie on our team– M-Boy started making music december '06, giving his microkorg a cinnamon whirl:
he comes up with gay melodies and cheesy chords "without knowing any techniques," as he says. "You can hear the influences of my work as a DJ, and my love for dilettante (midi) music."

M-Boy is half of "The Discoghosts" that were founded in front of a webcam in New York when M-Boy visited Tracky and later took over his room.
He is also 1/3 of the infamous "Shake Your Tree" crew. During summer time you see him wearing his self-made "FUN IS BACK" t-shirt and cheap plastic sunglasses, riding his old vespa to the public swimming pool to watch girls.

The UPITUP Artists

Guests, friends and masked-superheroes!