Country Calls Rufus Plays

upfree09 by Rufus Mandelbrock , released in September 2004

upfree09 cover by Rufus

upfree09 cover by Rufus

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Title (click to download) Artist Share
1) Could You Expect This From The Fool? Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
2) Blisters From The Past Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
3) El Cabala Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
4) Fork | Exec (RM) Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
5) Prateria Countrycalls Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
6) Casa Mandelbrock Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
7) My Head Under Their Skin Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
8) Ghirigori Rufus Rufus Mandelbrock n/a


Monty says about this release:
"There´s one word that perfectly descibes this confused professor:
simpatico. I met Rufus at the F.E.A.R. Festival in Rome in 2003. He asked me for the time- he must had misplaced his watch in some pocket- and we began to talk; about the concert, about music, and about those young encouraged Uptowners performing up on stage.
What I immediately found interesting about this person was his friendly and thoughtful expression. It seemed like he was always trying to remember some melody.
After the show we arrested a couple of beers in an empty bar in Trastevere- actually i had three and he had about a baker's dozen...

-fast forward one year-

Rufus sitting in my bureau presenting his 8 track EP "Country calls Rufus plays" to me. He's wearing the same brown jacket with the leather pads on the ellbows as at F.E.A.R. one year ago; his left foot is tapping to the beat and his fingers are twirling his beard. We're sitting face to face, and as I look in his brown eyes they remind me of the eyes of a whale or an elephant: wrinkled, warm. Somehow suffering.
His tracks are authentic, digesting beat conventions and musical neurosis that this middle-aged man is sick of. His drift-off melodies create romantic wanderlust, while various noise of bits and pieces in the background amplify his state of being locked inside his own little world.

Holy maccaroni, itchy feet, I think to myself, starting to feel a bit mandelbrocky myself.
"How should I say..."
Nice coat, who shot the couch?
Shave your ears, you're scaring my dog?
"Welcome on board, Rufus."

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